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  • How will the community be impacted by the renovation and repurposing of the space?
    The Grand Project is already considered to be a huge win for the city of Escondido. The location of this project is a dilapidated section of our main street, and renovation will both support the surrounding arts businesses and attract new business to this section of Grand Avenue, while at the same time pushing out illegal and destructive activities that these abandoned, vacant buildings facilitate. We have already begun partnering and collaborating with multiple nonprofits, community organizations and civic groups, building strong relationships with the other organizations that have influence in our city. The space we are renovating is highly visible and we believe will become the jewel of Grand Avenue in architectural beauty, purpose and activity.
  • How does the building's historical signifance impact the church's vision?
    This corner of Grand Avenue, both its location at the heart of our city marketplace and its cultural significance as a historic theater, is an ideal location for our church to make a positive impact. The idea that the presence of a church can restore life, beauty, art, culture, education, and community back into this prominent and visible historical corner is part of what we believe God is calling us to do.
  • How is this project being funded?
    The Grand Project will be funded primarily through the sale of the previous NVC property, private donations, grants and financing. New Vintage Church and Restoration Community Arts are both tax-deductible organizations that accept donations designated for this project. Visit the donate tab to learn more and support this project.
  • What about traffic, parking or other isues that might arise from moving into this part of our city?"
    We have gone through the due process with the city of Escondido to make sure that all parking and traffic considerations have been planned for. In addition, we plan to be mindful and strategic about when to plan our church gatherings so that they don’t conflict with other large events on Grand, such as Cruisin’ Grand. Generally, our large gathering times as a church will be slotted on days of the week when Grand tends to be empty, such as Sunday morning. We believe that there is opportunity there to generate additional clients for Grand businesses and restaurants during times that were previously light.
  • I heard there will be a coffee shop and rooftop lounge? Are these available to the public?
    Yes, the current plans are for a fully-operating coffee shop on the first floor on the corner of Juniper and Grand that will have indoor/outdoor seating and will be open to the public daily during normal coffee-shop hours. The plans for the rooftop lounge are to create a beautiful gathering space that can be used by existing tenants or rented out for social events and celebrations.
  • Will the theater only show Christian films and plays? Who will be allowed to use this venue?
    Our intention is for this space to be welcoming and open to all for use and enjoyment. We do not plan to strictly sensor content or take a restrictive posture toward the arts, but rather a posture of hospitality that embraces the beauty and variety of performing arts as an expression of Our Creator. At the same time, our church gatherings will remain firmly rooted in the traditional Christian faith and that faith will certainly guide us to promote content that is has a positive impact on our community.



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